Stock Code: RHD-SKKBXG3V

The electrode Finox 4337 AC is suited for joint and surface welding on steels and cast steel types of the same or similar alloy, for joint welding on high-tensile unalloyed and low-alloyed construction steels, heat-treated steels, tool steels and high-manganese steels as well as for joint welding of dissimilar steels among each other and with high-alloyed, stainless steels. Furthermore, this rod electrode is ideal for crack-resistant and tough-hard intermediate layers when hard-surfacing as well as for wear-resistant, work-hardened and warm-hardened surfacing. The austenitic-ferritic weld metal is rustless, corrosion-resistant and suited for working temperatures of up to 300°C. Due to the enhanced delta-ferrite content of the weld metal, the produced black-and-white joints are very resistant against hot-cracking.

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